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Cancelled Hearing:
The Ohio House Ways & Means committee was scheduled to hold their 6th hearing on the Ohio severance tax changes proposed in HB 375, but it was cancelled due to snow. However, many officials – including the Governor – expressed concerns this week about the bill and hope for a stronger piece of legislation that requires oil and gas companies to pay their fair share. Local officials from the region continue to express their frustration about a severance tax bill that does not invest into their communities and plan for the long-term.
Campaign Time:
The campaign season officially began this week as candidates for office had to file their paperwork with the Ohio Secretary of State to run. While the politics will continue to heat up, we remain committed to advocating for great public services that lead to stronger communities – and the revenues to pay for them. When you meet a candidate, ask them if they support public services that will help improve our communities or tax cut strategies that have failed Ohio over the past nine years.