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Should Ohio’s primary goal focus on cutting the top marginal income tax rate (impacting 2-3% of Ohioans), or should we focus on how to build a strong economy with safe neighborhoods, great public schools, and enough jobs for everyone.
Newspapers across Ohio question the tax cut goals. The Columbus Dispatch wrote that only .4% of Ohioans pay over 5% and people left Ohio for warmer climates – not income tax rates. The Cincinnati Enquirer and Toledo Blade ran Opinion Editorials questioning the efficacy of tax cuts, and the Brent Larkin of the Cleveland Plain Dealer wrote a great piece highlighting the choice before Ohioans. We can invest in real economic growth strategies such as lower tuition for Ohio’s colleges and providing preschool to more kids. Likewise, legislative leaders on both sides of the aisle continue to express concerns around funding programs to treat opiate addiction, preschool access, and collaboration to provide resources for local governments. Other legislators even question the regressivity of the recent tax reform package.
After nearly a decade of tax cuts, Ohioans have not felt the impact. Ohio passed a massive 21% income tax cut package in 2005 and since then Ohio has lost jobs and the nation has gained. Simply put – tax cuts don’t create jobs. We want good middle class jobs in Ohio. This doesn’t mean jobs should shift across the boarder into Cincinnati from Kentucky but we should invest in developing a world class education system and foster community ingenuity to create jobs.