Jobs and The Economy
High Flying startups don’t flock to low-tax States
Everyone wants a unicorn, some rich company to come into your community and give everyone high paying jobs. Tax cuts don’t attract unicorns.
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Impact of State tax cuts
A report highlighting that cutting taxes leads to less money to invest in our schools, but has little impact on our state economy.
A Poor Strategy for Growth
A report highlighting smart public investments are the foundation for a strong economy, not tax cuts that primarily benefit the wealthiest.
What do Business Climate Rankings Really Tell Us
A report that highlights the failings of tax rankings by comparing ranks with actual economic growth.
Corporate taxes and economic growth
A report exposing the myth that corporate taxes hurt the economy. In fact, adequate public revenues can encourage economic growth.
Rethinking Growth Strategies
Tax credits and loopholes might harm economic growth and efficiency. We need to develop tax policy that works for all economic sectors.