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News: States and Agencies Most Affected by Federal Shutdown, Governing The State and Localities
Notes: About 1.4% of Ohio’s workforce are federal employees. Many of these individuals are currently out of work and it is yet to be determined if they will receive back-pay once the federal shutdown ends. This shutdown will cost local and state communities in lost revenue and increases in the demand for assistance. The full costs of the shut down wont be known until it ends.
News: Family Support, Akron Beacon Journal
Notes: Federal, state and local government are collaborating to help families most in need. Through interagency governmental collaboration Summit County is working to reduce destructive behaviors, restore families and empower communities. We need to keep investing in great public services that lead to stronger communities.
News: Shrinking School Budgets Reviewed, Toledo Blade
Notes: Local school districts continue to suffer from state cuts. Previous news articles highlighted that over 200 school districts will receive less money this year after charter school payments are made. The state continues to shift school funding in the wrong direction by placing more reliance on property taxes at the local level instead of state support to meet the growing demands on local districts.
News: Ed FitzGerald mum on state tax credits backing Omnova Solutions’ move to Beachwood, Plain Dealer
Notes: Ohio needs to invest in great public services that lead to stronger communities. Tax credits need to be done with a scalpel and not a butcher knife, because they are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Whenever a corporation is granted a tax credit we need to ask ourselves, if we are funding a company to meet a community need that otherwise would go unmet, and if this is the best use of the foregone revenue (or if the money would be better spent invested in our schools, infrastructure or other community services. Finally, the state need to hold corporations accountable to make sure that they are paying their fair share.