News & Notes October 25, 2013

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News: Left out in Ohio, Inside Higher Ed
Notes: The 2005 tax cuts have reduced revenue in Ohio, and have eroded our long-term investments into student aid for Ohio students. By modifying eligibility language, Ohio has excluded community college students from access. Ohio needs to restore funding to previous levels and help Ohio students have access to great community colleges and other higher education options. 

News: Inequality is only going to get worse, Columbus Dispatch
Notes: An economist predicts that we will have more very wealthy people and more extremely poor people in society. The article ends with a question, ‘what are you going to do about it?’ A part of the solution, to re-build a strong middle class in America, is public investments in great schools, social service programs, and community services. 

News: The latest on the Amazon Tax in States, the Courts and Congress, Governing Daily
Notes: When you walk into an Ohio Sears, you will pay sales tax on that drill. When you order from Sears online, they are supposed to charge you an Ohio sales tax, because (as lawyers say) they have a physical presence in the state. But when you order that same drill from Amazon, without a physical presence in Ohio, they do not collect sales tax. All Ohio residents are supposed to ‘self-report’ this on their income tax returns–only about 1% actually do. Because of constitutional issues, Congress needs to create a system where Ohio can collect sales tax from Amazon. 50 states wait and sit for Congress to create equity and fairness for all states in sales and use taxation.