News & Notes October 18, 2013

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News: No New Taxes, Akron Beacon Journal 1
News: No New Taxes, Akron Beacon Journal 2
News: No New Taxes, Akron Beacon Journal 3
Notes: The Akron Beacon Journal endorses a YES vote on three property tax levies in Summit County. Many Ohio residents wonder why property taxes are always on the local ballot. Like these three levies, most property taxes are passed for a limited time and voters need to ‘renew’ the levy to maintain current funding levels. These three levies will support Summit County Metroparks, the Akron Zoo, and mental health and addiction services. The ABJ identifies how these services have a positive impact on the quality of life in the community and a positive economic impact for everyone. 

News: Senator renews controversial attempt to reduce burden on twice-taxed commuters, Cleveland Plain Dealer
Notes: Local municipal income taxes are vital for great public services that lead to stronger communities. People that live or work in a community benefit from investments in roads, public safety, and public park space. People that live or work in our urban centers should pay their fair share for these great public investments. The suburbs prosper when the central cities prosper, and removing the revenue from the central cities will hurt the regional communities.