News & Notes October 17, 2013

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News: Mayor Hopefuls Talk Scenery, Toledo Blade
Notes: City beauty and investment in the quality of life of a community are very important. Mayoral candidates in Toledo discuss their plans to invest in community beautification. 

News: Study: Poor Kids Now Majority in U.S. Public Schools in South, West, Governing Daily
Notes: Tax rankings attempt to pit one state against another, and regressive tax advocates point to measures of success in Southern states.  However, with our taxes, we pay for public services that help lift people onto stable economic footing so that they can succeed. Ohio should not seek to be like Mississippi. Instead, Ohio should invest in Ohio’s Future. 

News: FitzGerald blasts Kasich over Medicaid, Talks Taxes, Record Courier
Notes: Governor Kasich has presented different ideas that he was unable to move his own party, including an increase in the severance tax imposed on oil and gas drillers and a broadening of the Ohio sales tax to currently untaxed services with a lower rate.