News & Notes November 25, 2013

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News: Ohio needs to give poor schools more resources, Plain Dealer
Notes: It is almost cliche to say that children our the future and a good education is the bridge out of poverty. Yet, it is true. Howard Fleeter’s Apples-to-Apples comparison of school funding schools clearly how we are under-investing in our schools. Ohio needs to restore the $607 million cuts to K-12 education, invest in early childhood education, and make sure that students have access to post-high school opportunities. Let’s invest in Ohio’s Future!

Screen Shot 2013-07-22 at 9.20.51 AMNews: Unemployment falls in most of U.S., Ohio’s Rate Climbs a bit, Akron Beacon Journal
Notes: Politicians continue to say that tax cuts will create jobs. Yet, since the 2005 tax cuts, Ohio is in the basement compared to other states for job creation. Ohio’s unemployment rate also continues to rise while the nation’s falls, despite Ohio continuing to cut income taxes. California and Florida–widely different tax structures–both create many jobs in the past month. New Jersey, Kentucky, and Washington–widely different tax systems–all lose jobs. This data continues to  support the academic research that tax policy has little to no impact on job growth, unemployment rates, and economic vibrancy. The Dayton Daily News identifies that Ohio’s continuing weak job numbers are partially a result of government cuts and insecurity within public servant employment. 

News: Aid Sought for Students seeking two year degree, Columbus Dispatch
Notes: Students attend Ohio’s top-notch community colleges are ineligible for a state grant to help cover tuition expenses. The Ohio Association of Community Colleges is calling on the state legislature to invest $20 million into students who seek a high quality education. Businesses continuously say they need more trained skilled workers, and our community colleges are a key component of that. We have the resources, let’s invest in students instead of more tax cuts. 

News: More Ohioans sign up for welfare, Columbus Dispatch
Notes: Data can be interpreted many ways. Ohio’s welfare rolls inched upwards last month after 20 months of declines. However, the enrollment numbers are less important than the number of Ohioans that continue to struggle to meet their daily needs. Welfare enrollment numbers can be increased by expanding benefits and decreased by cutting benefits. Sadly, Ohio has cut many resources and imposed requirements that reduce the number of people receiving assistance without creating economic stability for many Ohio families. We need to invest in great public services that lead to stronger communities.