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News: Could Ohioans Get a Sales Tax Holiday, Dayton Daily News
Notes: Research demonstrates that a sales tax holiday in Ohio would cost our state and local communities over $78 million in revenue. Further, research demonstrates that a sales tax holiday only shifts spending into the holiday but does not generate new spending. A better use of $78 million in tax dollars would be to fund great public services that lead to stronger communities.
News: Poor Students Consume state funding, leaving little to educate others, Akron Beacon Journal
News: Ohio Underestimates costs of teaching poor, Dayton Daily News
Notes: A new research report shows that Ohio’s urban, high-poverty districts are not in fact spending more per student than wealthy suburban districts. The new report develops an apples-to-apples comparison of school districts based on what the district spends for the average pupil’s education. This report highlights how we are likely under-investing in our high-poverty districts. Ohio’s Constitution requires that our legislature fund an ‘adequate and equitable’ system of common schools. It is time to invest in Ohio’s Future. Access the full report and information here
News: Mental Health Care Lagging, Columbus Dispatch
Notes: Many social issues are inter-connected with each other. We cannot cut funding for one service to fund another and expect it be successful. Ohio needs a strong safety net, including mental health services, to help Ohio be a great place to live and raise a family.