News & Notes November 14, 2013

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Screen Shot 2013-07-22 at 9.20.51 AMNews: Bleeding Revenue, Akron Beacon Journal
Notes: The state of Ohio plans to restructure payments to hospitals now that more individuals will be covered under the Medicaid Program. This makes sense in general, but Children’s Hospitals will not see an increase in coverage from newly enrolled Medicaid recipients because kids were already eligible for CHIP. Senator Widener proposed a $404 million tax cut while the ink was still wet on Medicaid Expansion, not realizing that he was going to fund it in part with $68 million taken from Ohio’s Children Hospitals. 

News: Legislators, Interest Groups offer ideas for Spending $404 million from Medicaid Savings, Columbus Dispatch
Notes: School funding is $607 million below 2010-11. Children’s Hospitals are concerned about losing $68 million. Opiate addiction is a serious health risk for Ohioans, and putting a strain on our mental health and criminal justice system. Ohio needs to fix 5,700 county bridges. Ohio’s veterans are deserving of our assistance in finding safe, decent and affordable housing and other services that they need. We can invest in these services or give 80% of Ohioans less than $3 a month. 

News: Ohio House Okay’s local income tax overhaul, Toledo Blade
Notes: Legislation originally intended to create uniformity and simplicity in Ohio’s local income tax system will reduce the tax responsibility of many businesses who are profitable. After a 50% cut to the local government fund, elimination of the estate tax, revenue sharing reductions, and the elimination of the property tax rollback, Ohio’s local communities continue to feel the pinch from Columbus. We need wealthy corporations to pay their fair share, and not pass along their responsibility to others.