News & Notes, November 13, 2013

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News: Another Tax Spin, Toledo Blade
Notes: We have done this before and another tax cut is not the right path of fiscal responsibility and investing in our communities. Instead of tax cuts that primarily benefit the wealthiest Ohioans, Ohio should re-invest in the College Opportunity Grant and local police and fire personnel. In addition to the items mentioned by the Blade, Ohio needs to invest in our public schools, preschool education, high speed internet and many other community services that need state support. A tax cut that gives the top 1% over $1,400 while giving the bottom 20% only $1 is an unwise decision for Ohio. We need to Invest in Ohio’s Future today!

News: Online retailers should not have tax advantages over brick-and-mortar competition: editorial, Cleveland Plain Dealer
Notes: Did you pay your taxes this year? If you purchased something through Amazon or other online retailer, you are legally required to file and send Ohio the sales tax for that purchase. Barely anyone does. The Marketplace Fairness Act would develop a way for Amazon and other online retailers to collect that sales tax at the time of purchase. It will simplify our lives, create fairness, and generate revenue for great public services that lead to stronger communities. 

News: State officials must assure that Ohio schools have the computers needed for Common Core standards: editorial, Cleveland Plain Dealer
Notes: There are many questions regarding the Common Core Standards and whether or not they will be effective in evaluating students and helping to improve our classrooms. However, Ohio has adopted these standards, and a major component requires access for students to have access to the internet. Ohio is investing $607 million less in K-12 education compared to the 2010-11 budget. Teaching students to use the internet and computers are important skills and we need to invest in our schools technology today!