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News: Fight over tobacco taxes begins in Ohio, Dayton Daily News
News: Ohio Gov. Kasich’s tobacco tax plan praised, scorned, Toledo Blade
Notes: Public health advocates support the increase in tobacco taxes to reduce the number of smokers. From a public health standpoint – this makes a lot of sense. However, from a tax and budget standpoint, an increase in tobacco taxes will reduce revenue in the future (as people stop smoking). Over the years, tobacco taxes continue to decline as fewer people smoke. New revenue from tobacco taxes should be used to offset the regressivity of our tax structure or invest in public health expenses that result from smoking.
News: Governor calls for $53.5 million in new prison spending as inmate population grows, Plain Dealer
Notes: The MBR will invest new money into our corrections – primarily to for ‘institutional operations’. This will mean the creation of about 87 new jobs as prison guards. OCSEA estimates that the need is much larger, and Ohio actually needs about 400 new prison guards to address the current incarceration levels. Instead of another income tax cut, we could hire the professionals needed to address the need, and invest in efforts to prevent recidivism at the levels needed. These public investments will go farther in improving Ohio than another income tax cut.
News: Ohio loses on big oil, natural gas bids, NBC4
Notes: Governor Kasich is absolutely correct that Ohio’s business taxes and proposed severance tax increase did not cause Ohio to lose these contracts. Very rarely do businesses make location decisions based on tax rates. Instead, they look at many other factors, costs, access to materials and a skilled workforce. We need to build our skilled workforce to develop our own businesses instead of competing with neighboring states.
News: Schooling the Governor, Toledo Blade
Notes: College is expensive. If we make it less expensive, more students can attend, have lower debt, and begin their adult lives sooner. Sadly, the Governor and many others are focused on the theory of income tax cuts make jobs. Sadly, a high quality workforce matters more than a 2.2% or 2.4% effective income tax rate.
News: Kasich’s tax reform proposals may take some selling, but insiders, experts say persistence will sway governor’s fellow Republicans, Plain Dealer
Notes: Raising revenue on the left hand to cut the income tax on the right hand. Let the debates begin.