News & Notes January 27, 2014

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Screen Shot 2013-07-22 at 9.20.51 AMNews: 40% of Ohio School Grads not College Ready, Dayton Daily News
Notes: Ohio needs accountability and ways to measure our success. We need to seek how we can improve this type of statistic. A single testing scheme is not the answer. Instead Ohio should invest in a holistic approach including universal preschool access, additional tutors and specialists in the classroom, extra course offerings, and restoration of extra-curricular activities such as band and art programs. Ohio’s leaders should set a realistic and ambitious goal to decrease this number and invest the resources needed to build up strong communities. 

News: Troubled Waters, Columbus Dispatch
Notes:The recent water contamination in West Virginia should lead Ohio’s leaders to ask how we can prevent similar harms here. With the increase fracking activity in Ohio, we need appropriate government regulations and resources for prevention, remedying, and improving our communities in the event of a tragedy. HB 375 – a proposed severance tax increase – currently doesn’t account for long term impacts and doesn’t generate enough revenue to invest for the long term security of impacted communities. The Ohio House Ways & Means Committee should amend this legislation to generate enough revenue to oversee the proper regulation of the industry and long term impacts of drilling activity.