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News: Revised fracking-tax bill expands income-tax cut, Columbus Dispatch
Notes: A weak severance tax bill may have just got worse. Although we cannot be certain until we see the specifics of the legislation. We need drillers to pay their fair share so that we can invest in building up the local economies of the region impacted by drilling. It appears that this amended bill (to be introduced Tuesday afternoon) will direct more money towards an income tax cut. The original bill allocated 50% of the new revenue towards an income tax cut, the new version allocates 80% of a slightly higher rate.
News: Cleveland-area administrators voice opinions, concerns about Third Grade Reading Guarantee, Plain Dealer
Notes: Should most third graders be able to read at a 3rd grade level? Yes. The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s research shows this is a key component to long-term academic success. The question is how do we get there? The Governor and legislature utilize a stick and carrot approach – pass or be retained. Instead, we should adopt policies that invest in reading specialists, early intervention, and enrichment programs that will help kids catch up, and help kids recover if they fall behind.