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Nelson Mandela: 1918-2013
We join the world today in celebrating the life of Nelson Mandela. He showed the world the way of reconciliation and fostered a belief in working for the common good. After sitting in prison for over a quarter century, he forgave his captors, was elected president, and set an ambitious goal of expanding basic public services – such as clean water, roads, and electricity – to the entire country. May your spirit of reconciliation and working for the common good live and grow throughout the world.
News: Huffman Plan would cut state income tax, Lima News
Notes: Corporations that extract our natural resources from beneath Ohioans feet should pay their fair share for those resources. A 1% tax will be one of the lowest rates in the nation and the corporations will continue to avoid paying their fair share. We need a severance tax that generates revenue to invest in our communities, and HB 375 falls short by allocating the revenue generated for another marginal income tax rate cut that will primarily benefit the wealthiest Ohioans.
News: New Ohio earned income tax credit called a good start, but built-in restrictions limit its benefits to the poor, Plain Dealer
Notes: The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) was included in the recent budget bill. It is a good first step, but it comes up short. The current credit is non-refundable, which makes it unusable by many working, low-income families. A refundable credit will put a few extra dollars in struggling families pockets to purchase new school supplies, medicine, and basic household necessities. The EITC is an effective tax credit that has raised millions out of poverty throughout the country.