News & Notes December 4, 2013

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Screen Shot 2013-07-22 at 9.20.51 AMNews: Broaden the Base, Akron Beacon Journal 
Notes: The US Supreme Court will allow a New York law to remain in place that broadens their state sales tax to many online retailers. States continue to wait on Congressional action to create an equitable system of sales tax collection and reporting between the states. The problem is that Ohio cannot require Amazon to collect a sales tax on their items, even though Ohio consumers are required to self report and pay (which almost nobody does). This has caused states to lose over $13 billion a year, and-as online shopping continues to expand-this number will only grow. The Akron Beacon Journal correctly identifies that Ohio needs to follow New York’s example in being more aggressive with collecting sales taxes when due, and we need to use this additional revenue to bolster school finances and invest in public works.