News & Notes December 16, 2013

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News: Ohio’s Frayed Safety Net, Toledo Blade
Notes: Ohio has much to do to strengthen the safety net for Ohioans who are struggling this holiday season. When 1.1 million children in Ohio are living in low-income situations, we have a moral imperative to act. Simple actions such as strengthening the Ohio Earned Income Tax Credit, increase access to affordable child care, and invest in education will strengthen the safety net, increase opportunities, and build a stronger community. It is time to prioritize people and invest in Ohio’s Future. 

News: Rich Prosper Among Large Income Gap, Columbus Dispatch
Notes: Americans are more productive and work longer hours, but are not seeing this pay off with increased salaries and more economic stability. The article correctly identifies that tax cuts will not be a solution to economic inequality. National tax increases in 1993 and in 2013 have been tiny compared to the tax cuts that were passed in the 1980s and early 2000s. We need to identify solutions such as a strong educational system, job training services and other long term solutions to income inequality. In Ohio and our nation, we cannot be afraid to invest in innovative ideas and new approaches to strengthen the middle class, assist those in poverty, and improve the quality of life for all. 

News: County looks at selling off its buildings, Cincinnati Enquirer
Notes: County government is important in developing infrastructure, regional collaboration and many other public services. The state of Ohio has cut over a billion from local governments overs past 3 years, and it is having an impact. Hamilton county has cut jobs, reduced services, and has struggled to maintain their facilities. As a result, the county is appears to accept the new status quo of reduced community services and may sell some of its space to new developers.