News & Notes December 11, 2013

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Screen Shot 2013-07-22 at 9.20.51 AMNews: Ohio task force seek $189m to treat painkiller habit, Toledo Blade
Notes: Many of us know somebody who suffers from addiction and are desperate to find resources to help them get their lives back on track before it is too late. Addiction spans all parts of Ohio- rural, urban, poor and wealthy.  Bob Sprague (R- Findlay) said, “the savings from the Medicaid expansion would be better spent on the urgent need for community-based treatment than for more tax cuts.”  After the controlling board expanded Medicaid in Ohio, budget experts believe Ohio will have about $404million in additional revenue. The Senate legislation has a bill pending (SB210) to give this money away as another income tax rate cut – primarily benefiting the wealthiest Ohioans. 

News: GOP Bill sets low drilling rates in Ohio, Columbus Dispatch
Notes: The severance tax in Ohio is extremely low and does not reflect the current economic realities of oil and gas drilling in Ohio. Updating the severance tax to a reasonable level is the prudent decision, and the new resources should be utilized to serve the needs of all Ohioans and not just the wealthiest in another income tax rate cut. While a step in the right direction, HB 375 would undervalue the resources that are beneath our feet and allocate the additional resources improperly by funding income tax cuts. 

News: Ohio falls to 40th in health rankings, Columbus Dispatch
Notes: State rankings compile a lot of data and simplify it into a single number. These are very helpful starting points, but we need to remember to look behind the single number at the remaining data. While Ohio has made some progress – that should be applauded – in our state’s health and well being, Ohio still lags many other states on many other indicators. Likewise, when we look at tax rankings from the Tax Foundation or ALEC, we should look behind the single number and look at what is actually measured. Most importantly, does Ohio want to be remembered for low taxes or for having a strong and healthy community?