Ohio’s Budget: Let’s Invest (Video)

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During the past few months, One Ohio Now traveled the state to discuss the Ohio budget with parents, workers, and local and state leaders. Many Ohioans expressed a strong appreciation for great public services that lead to stronger communities. State Government is a place where we can come together to accomplish things like public safety, school systems, and building reliable systems of infrastructure for everyone to use.


Do We Have Enough?

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people working togetherWe all value public safety, decent schools, and a good quality of life for our family and friends.  Yet, too often, we operate under the idea that our state and communities can’t afford all of these things, and we must sacrifice something as a community. This sacrificial mindset moves us to accept cuts to vital community programs that enhance our lives, and to never think about what our communities really need.

One Ohio Now’s State Director, Gavin DeVore Leonard, testified on May 1st in the Ohio House of Representatives Committee on Ways & Means.  The committee has asked for ideas and proposals that, “promote a stronger Ohio economy that would contribute to tax policy principles of simplicity, fairness, broad bases, as well as ease of compliance and administration.” This was the first of what may be many hearings to address how our state funds great public services that lead to stronger communities.

During his testimony, Gavin suggested to the committee that, “we have enough resources and enough wealth in Ohio to meet the needs of the people who live here and who want to have a great quality of life. We can afford world-class schools, well-maintained roads, verdant parks, responsive emergency services, and more. But the box we’ve built – the size and scope of the state budget itself, but more importantly our mental construct about what resources we have – is holding us back.  We’ve bought into the idea that there isn’t enough money to fund things fully, and for the most part we don’t even try.”

As this conversation continues, all Ohioans need to think about what we value as a state. Do we like having fire and police departments, schools, well-maintained roads, and social service programs to help those who have fallen on difficult times? Its not about expanding or limiting government, instead it is about making sure that all families have access to a great library, all kids have access to a good school, and all of us have access to safe communities. Instead of measuring tax reform on whether it cuts overall taxes or raises them, lets measure any tax reform proposal on if its fair, just, and meets the needs of great public services that lead to stronger communities.